Rabu, 30 November 2016

Why Weight So Up Ahead of Menstruation?

Why Weight So Up Ahead of Menstruation?
The women have often experienced this. Although already dieting and exercise, weight suddenly gained 2 kg. Do not worry, it usually happens a week before menstruation.
Weight increase before menstruation is weight gain due to water. Demkian said Raquel Dardik, MD, a gynecologist from NYU Langone Medical Center.
"" The weight gain occurred five days before menstruation. The weight will return to normal once menstruation begins, ' "he explained.
Weight gain before menses about one to five kg. The average woman increased about two kg.
Why this happened? The hormone progesterone, which is necessary in the early stages of pregnancy is the cause. When pregnancy does not occur, the levels of these hormones decline. The side effects, every cell in the body to retain water.
Bloating before menses also exacerbates and makes women to feel fullness and meaty.
Facing monthly guest and weight gain, women should not focus on the amount of weight gain. Women should create a schedule that considers a healthy body weight is maintained.
Weigh once a week on the same day, the same time using the same scales. "" The main thing is do not go overboard in weighing for weight fluctuations are normal, ' "said Dardik.
To overcome the side effects of this monthly cycle with exercise. Dardik advised to drink plenty of water to overcome water retention. Avoid fatty foods, alcohol and salt causes the body to retain fluid so.
What about the weight gain is not lost despite menstruation is over? This could be due to the time before the mens cravings that make women want to eat salty foods, fatty and sweet foods. The increase in weight because these foods will not disappear after menstruation.

green coffee bean harga

Rabu, 02 November 2016

During 2015 Coffee Exports Decline Predicted Macro

During 2015 Coffee Exports Decline Predicted Macro
Surabaya- Joint Secretary of Indonesian Coffee Exporters (Gaeki) Java Ichwan Nursidik explained that coffee exports for 2015 is predicted to fall 3 percent, equivalent to 163 thousand dollars.
In 2014 the export of Java coffee as much as 73 470 tonnes, equivalent to 188 thousand US dollars, while in 2015 the amount of exports decreased one percent ie 72 609 tonnes, equivalent to 163 thousand US dollars, said Ichwan Nursidik Monday.
He said the data for 2015 are not yet counted in December 2015, so it is only predicted to fall by about 13 percent, if calculated over a period of months from January to November, 2015.
In the first quarter of 2014 as many as 14 889 tonnes, while this year rose 18 percent to reach 17 551 tonnes. In the second quarter of 2014 as many as 16 339 tonnes, while this year reached 17 913 tons or an increase of 10 percent, he said.
In addition, in the third quarter of 2015 decreased 2 percent ie 21 564 tons of the total volume in 2014 as many as 22 044 tons, he said.
Total overall in 2014, the volume of coffee production as much as 73 470 tonnes, while this year is expected to decline one percent, reaching only 72 609 tons, he said.
That's because, he added, in the first quarter of Indonesia's coffee production volume jumped 18 percent compared to the volume of the same period last year.
Meanwhile, the country's coffee exports are predominantly Japan with 20 percent, the United States 10 percent, 18 percent and the European Union countries of Asia with 6 percent of the total national coffee production.
We are also working to open up access to new markets in countries outside traditional coffee export destinations such as Algeria, Morocco, Israel, Russia and China. Coffee marketing opportunities in these countries, especially in China and Russia were recognized quite prospective as coffee export destination countries, he stressed.

beli green coffee

Senin, 31 Oktober 2016

elamatkan Gigi Si Kecil dari Permen!

cara mengecilkan perut buncit secara alami di rumah

elamatkan Gigi Si Kecil dari Permen!

JAKARTA, Ahli kedokteran gigi dari Kampus Trisaksi, Drg Widijanto MKes mengingatkan beberapa orangtua supaya tak membiasakan anak mereka konsumsi permen lantaran hal semacam itu dapat menyebabkan karies yang beresiko pada rusaknya gigi.    Gigi susu rusak lantaran anak-anak sukai konsumsi permen. Gigi susu bagus serta tak keropos bila waktu bayi anak tak kenal permen. ASI eksklusif tak menyebabkan karies pada gigi, kata Widijanto di Jakarta, Sabtu. Widijanto berbarengan beberapa ahli kedokteran gigi dari Kampus Trisakti serta Kampus Indonesia mulai sejak bln. Mei-Juni lakukan kunjungan ke 20 SD di Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang serta Bekasi (Jabodetabek) untuk mensosialisasikan utamanya perawatan gigi serta gusi pada anak-anak. Sebagian sekolah yang dikunjungi salah satunya SD Argentina, SD 01 Menteng, SD Kartika X Bintaro, SD Al Azhar 17 Bintaro, SD Al Kamal Kebon Jeruk, serta yang lain.    Dalam kunjungan itu, tim sekalian lakukan perawatan gigi dengan cara gratis pada 10. 958 siswa. Menurut Widijanto, tingkah laku melindungi kesehatan gigi serta gusi mesti di bangun mulai sejak saat kanak-kanak.    Kalau dari anak-anak tak ditanamkan tingkah laku sehat jadi hingga dewasa seorang akan tidak pernah berperilaku hidup sehat, tuturnya. Berdasar pada data Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia (WHO), kesehatan gigi anak Indonesia yang berusia 12 th. cukup baik dengan tingkat rusaknya gigi 2, 5.    Negara dengan tingkat rusaknya gigi paling rendah yakni China serta Singapura di mana dari 32 gigi tingkat rusaknyanya cuma satu gigi. Mengenai Malaysia serta Filipina tingkat rusaknya gigi pada anak-anak setempat lebih tinggi dari Indonesia yakni sekitaran empat gigi.    Widijanto memberikan, balita yang sukai konsumsi permen malas mengonsumsi makanan yang lain. Hal semacam ini bakal kurangi tingkat konsumsi gizi untuk pembentukan otaknya. Walau sebenarnya pembentukan kecerdasan seseorang manusia berjalan pada periode mulai sejak dalam kandungan ibu sampai usia lima th..     

Kamis, 27 Oktober 2016

Rempah-rempah, Lancarkan Darah, Tingkatkan Libido


Rempah-rempah, Lancarkan Darah, Tingkatkan Libido

 Rempah-rempah kaya beragam vitamin serta mineral. Terlebih yaitu vitamin C serta B kompleks dan kalsium, kalium, natrium, serta fosfor. Satu diantara usaha pemakaian rempah-rempah dengan cara tradisional yaitu berbentuk minuman. Contoh minuman Nusantara yang bisa dikelompokkan sebagai minuman fungsional yaitu wedang jahe, wedang secang, wedang ronde, beras kencur, kunyit asam, sekoteng, bandrek, serta serbat. Sebagian manfaat minuman yang terbuat dari rempah-rempah yaitu : menyebabkan kesibukan anti-oksidan, hipoglikemik (penurun gula darah pada pasien diabetes), menurunkan desakan darah (hipotensif), peningkat system imun (imunomodulator), antipenggumpalan atau pembekuan darah, antialergi, antikanker, berefek pada system hormon, dan berefek pada tingkah laku serta kecerdasan. Komponen lain berbentuk afrosidiak (menyebabkan rangsangan serta kemampuan seksual), astringen (mengatur aliran darah lewat kontraksi pembuluh darah), diuretik (memperlancar pembuangan air seni), ekspektoran (memperlancar pembuangan dahak).